Cast of Characters
The American Roxburys, Plus Two
Avery Roxbury
British, patriarch of the American Roxbury side of the family. Married to Anne. Father of Sar, Mer, and Beth. Co-owner of the Avery Jacob Shipping Company.
Anne Roxbury
An American who stands at five-foot one inch and is intimidated by no one. As a matter of fact, she is the one who is usually doing the intimidating. She served as a conductor on the Underground Railroad and is a fierce defender of the rights of others. Her pistol fits her like a glove; she is a better shot than her son, Sar. Brilliant in her own right with a wicked wit and sense of humor, she is always on the cutting edge of advancing the rights of women and children.
She has instilled in Sar, Mer, and Beth to do the same. The girls have been taught to be especially strong and independent. As you can imagine during this era, it has gotten them into a tad bit of trouble. When growing up, they dished out more black eyes and bruises to boys then then the boys gave to each other. It seems the pattern remained the same as they grew older.
Anne’s mother taught her many things, but she emphasized this: Never lie unless your life depended upon it. Anne had no idea what that meant until her mother’s deathbed confession. Being a Negro in America and passing as white did not make things easy. But Avery and Anne did what they needed to do to ensure their family lived a life of freedom.
Sterling Avery Roxbury (Sar)
The only son of Avery and Anne. He is named after the sixth Duke of Westmoure, his father’s brother, who resides over the dukedom in England. Sar’s honed and chiseled body comes from years of sailing ships and loading and unloading cargo. He stands six foot, three inches tall, with finely formed calves and shoulders that look like they could carry the weight of the world. Sar knows the shipping business inside and out.
This handsome man with blue eyes rimmed in green and reddish-brown hair makes the hearts of most women he crosses paths with patter. Stand in line, ladies. This is a man with a heart of gold who was raised on respect.
Sar is an excellent shot, but he can’t outdo his mother, regardless of how hard he tries. He loves swordplay and was instrumental in teaching Beth how to throw knives. In America, it was necessary to learn how to fight and protect one’s self. Of course, he taught Mer and Beth.
No young man ever dared approach his sisters. He would have to go through Sar and Perkins first. A suitor wouldn’t want to do that if he valued his life. During this time, Sar was busy evading the parson’s trap; it worked.
Sar’s father’s words were what he was taught to live by: Always love and protect your family. Value every person you meet, regardless of their station in life. Honor and respect all women. The full impact of those words did not hit him until the truth was revealed.
As you can imagine, life turned upside down when his father was murdered, and he found out he was not at all what he thought he was in many ways. Now, as head of the family, he has inherited a dukedom that comes with more than intrigue.
Meredith Anne Roxbury (Mer)
The foot-tapping older daughter of Anne and Avery Roxbury. She is known for asking direct and pointed questions. Many of which you might not wish to answer.
An excellent shot who is known for hitting her target spot-on, she was taught by her mother, father, Sar, and Perkins. Have no doubt she will be able to pull the trigger first if ever threatened. Death is not ladylike. She is becoming an expert at eavesdropping. After all, she is a student of Perkins, and he demands the best. Handy with a knife and brass knuckles, she could be put into service with the British Home Office and become one of their best operatives.
Coupled with this are intelligence and inquisitiveness on the business side of the equation. In America, you’ll find her at the Avery Jacob Shipping office most days. Mer is proficient at filling ships for optimum results and developing efficient ways to handle cargo. She is beautiful in her own right. But do not mistake beauty for being vapid.
Elizabeth Anne Roxbury (Beth)
Beth is the younger daughter of Avery and Anne Roxbury. We are talking about brilliance personified. The lip-chewing miss is always looking for the next adventure. She appears to be quiet and introspective while she is busy scouting her next escapade. Her work at the Avery Jacob Shipping Company has only opened her eyes to traveling the world. Now to only make that happen.
She is the expert in the family at knife-throwing and can wield her brass knuckles as well as her sister, Mer. Like the rest of the family, she carries two pistols at the ready and is deadly with them. She is a fierce protector of her family who will go the distance to keep them safe at all costs.
Beth is a wiz in business on the supply and production side. It’s as though she is doing the figures in her head while talking. She is always thinking expansion. Present the challenge, and she is on it.
As part of the team of conductors on the Underground Railroad, she became an expert in field surgery. Beth can remove a lead ball more carefully and efficiently than most trained physicians. Add to this the Roxbury broad forehead and beauty, and there she is, another heartbreaker.
Elias Phineas Perkins
Perkins was caught trying to nip Avery’s money pouch on the docks in America. Not knowing what to do with the youngster, Avery took Perkins home with him. Although a couple of years older than Sar, the two became fast friends, teaching each other the mischief that only young boys can think of and create.
As Perkins grew, so did his special talents—acute hearing, knowing when to be someplace, eyes that see all, an invisible presence, and what today we would call a photographic memory. He becomes one with the door and appears and disappears like the air. He knows everything before everyone else.
His speed makes him a double threat. Other expert competencies include riding, shooting, and knife-throwing. These talents contributed to Sar and Perkins becoming best friends. From brass knuckles to sling shots and other implements of the art of protection, the two heightened their knowledge and ability to anticipate the movements of others. In other words, they were two very mischievous youngsters with black-and-blue eyes and bruises dotting their bodies.
Their formal education was just as thorough. At the time, they didn’t realize they were being educated like the highest-ranking dukes of the realm. Perkins and Sar became brothers. Where you found one, you usually discovered the other was not far behind.
Both understand the shipping business inside and out, upside down and right-side up, along with their responsibilities.
Perkins taught the girls the fine arts of eavesdropping, nipping pouches, and self-defense. They’d square off in shooting matches and knife-throwing competitions. Swimming, riding, and running rounded out their education with Perkins, along with the added perks of other little surprises.
Jacob Goldsmith
Jacob is like Sar’s other father. As the other half of Avery Jacob Shipping Company, he was also responsible for training Sar and Perkins. Deeply moved by the death of Avery, he advised Sar to always honor his father.
A man of principle and integrity, Jacob understood leaving America for England was the only option. When everything was laid bare on the table, London was a place where they could be free. Passing what lessons he could along to Sar, he left everything behind to be with the family he loved and the young adults he nurtured.
Well, that’s it—the American Roxburys, plus two. Enjoy them as new worlds are opened and they put their own spin on the British elite and life as the “unacceptable aristocrats.”
Who’s Who
Alexius Standerson—British, daughter of Caroline and Sebastian
Anthony Daggs, the Marquess of Dearne, Inspector Daggs of Scotland Yard—British, one of the elite operatives who works for Berkley on an as needed basis
Ashby (Ash) Wyndham, Earl of Danford—British, an aristocrat who served in the elite group of noblemen under the command of Berkley during the war
Aurelia Rothingham, Duchess of Edgerton—British, wife of David, good friend of Caroline Standerson
Basil Willingham—the future Duke of Brockton, nephew of the current Duke of Brockton
Brian O’Keefe—British, accomplished actor
Captain Coomes—British, sea captain, works for Westmoure Shipping Company
Caroline Standerson, the Marchioness of Broadhurst—British, wife of Sebastian, daughter Alexius
Charlotte Peach, Countess of Fatson—British, a member of the aristocracy
Chief Red Cloud—American, second in charge of the Avery Jacob Shipping Company
David Rothingham, Duke of Edgerton—British, an aristocrat who served in the elite group of noblemen under the command of Berkley during the war, married to Aurelia
Diana Ryerton, Duchess of Northampton—British, wife of Marcus, good friend of Caroline Standerson
Earl of Landingham—British, a member of the aristocracy
Earl of Severson—British, a wealthy aristocrat
Earl of Thornton—British, a wealthy aristocrat
Easton Willingham, Brockton, The Duke of Brockton—British, an ally of the Crown
Edward and Little Elizabeth—British, street orphans
Ethan Quinn, the Marquess of Perth—British, head of the Foreign Office
Evan Marston, Duke of Carrington—British, an aristocrat who served in the elite group of noblemen under the command of Berkley during the war, married to Georgina
Evelyn Quinton, the Marchioness of Briarcliff—British, wife of Richard Quinton, Julien’s mother
George Mason—British, works for Berkley in the Home Office
Georgina Marston, Duchess of Carrington—British, wife of Evan, good friend of Caroline Standerson
Grayson, the Duke of Grayson—British, Caroline’s father
Harold David Hearthstone, cousin of Duke of Westmoure—next in line for the title
Hortense Hamilton, the Dowager Duchess of Horton—British, the most revered woman of the ton
Jackson (Jack) Abbott—British, one of the elite operatives under Berkley’s command
Jonathan Simmons, the Earl of Carlyle—British, field surgeon and physician, an aristocrat who served in the elite group of noblemen under the command of Berkley during the war
Julien Quinton, the honorable Earl of Sutton—British, son of Richard and Evelyn, one of the elite operatives under Berkley’s command
Lady Sarah Jersey—British, head patron at Almack’s along with the other patronesses at the time, Lady Emily Cowper, Lady Anne Stewart, Marchioness of Londonderry, the Viscountess of Castlereagh, Lady Sefton, Countess de Lieven, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, and Countess Esterhazy, arbiters of le bon ton
Madame Burgoff—British, modiste extraordinaire to the ton
Marcus Ryerton, Duke of Northampton—British, an aristocrat who served in the elite group of noblemen under the command of Berkley during the war, married to Diana
Margaret Lambeth, Countess of Milford—British, a member of the aristocracy
Mildred Cook—British, cook and integral part of the Westmoure household
Miriam Wyndham, Countess of Danford—British, wife of Ashby, good friend of Caroline Standerson
Miss Engles—British, deportment, all things British
Morgan—British, the sixth Duke of Westmoure’s (Sterling Adam Roxbury) man of affairs
Mrs. Kiggins—British, housekeeper, companion, friend of Lady Hortense
Mrs. Spencer—British, chatelain of the Westmoure’s homes
Oliver—British, majordomo of the Westmoure household
Richard Quinton, the Marquess of Briarcliff—British, husband of Evelyn Quinton, Julien’s father
Royce Thortonshire, the honorable Marquess of Shone—British, one of the elite operatives under Berkley’s command
Samuels—British, soldier, attached to the Home Office, works for Berkley
Sebastian Standerson, the Marquess of Broadhurst—British, the senior diplomat in the elite group of operatives under Berkley’s command, married to Caroline, daughter Alexius
Seymour—British, majordomo of the Broadhurst
Smytherson—Valet to the Duke of Westmoure
Sylvia Meacham, Viscountess of Truvo—British, a member of the aristocracy
Thomas Berkley, the Duke of Hampton, a royal duke, moniker, the general—British, head of the Home Office, leader of the elite group of operatives, cousin of the king
The Wolfhounds: Duchess, America, Baby, Bella, Oscar, Felix—British, trained at Whitehall